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Unlike household televisions, video walls make use of displays that are meant to be used for businesses are built for performance. Armed with increased brightness, any advertisements or videos will be able to be seen from afar at a maintained HD quality. 

Video Wall
Video Wall
There are various uses and options of display when using these displays. For example, split-screen can be set up to show one advertisement/channel fullscreen, or you may choose a few channels and uploads to be shown at the same time.
Another example of a more widely-known usage of digital displays is through video walls. Video walls are a combination of displays placed closely together to resemble a wall, each playing a segment of one whole advertisement. Thus, forming one huge display. Video walls are extremely popular at shopping malls where its main purpose is to be seen from afar, attracting anybody passing by. As such, they are gaining popularity quickly due to their efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The possibilities are nearly limitless, as they have a variety of applications in marketing as well, assisting in increasing interaction with the target audience, such as events, retail, or even the office.


A video wall solution can also be used for security functions such as security surveillance and control room functions in addition to entertainment or advertising. Video walls would benefit the security room because they allow the security team to control the entire facility by viewing multiple screens at once. Custom video walls also allow control rooms to see all of the information in one place, divided into sections.


Our Video Walls also comes with ultra narrow bezel for seamless display. Customers will experience better viewing from our video wall products.

Frontier Security carry Video Wall brands; Samsung and Sharp. We provide both LCD and LED video wall display solutions in Singapore. 


Contact us if you want to learn more about our products and how the installation works for the video wall display, our sales team will gladly assist you. 

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